
JBee Wart Solutions

Original price was: ₦15,000.00.Current price is: ₦7,000.00.

*For treatment of stubborn genital wart.

*Very effective

*Clears warts fast

*Very safe

*Best for vagina and anal warts


JBee Wart Solutions is very effective for all TYPES of warts Removal Treatments available.

Warts are skin growths caused by a virus on the surface of the skin. They can be unsightly and sometimes painful when on the foot. While warts can occur anywhere on the body, they are most common on the hands (common warts), private parts (Genital Warts) or the soles of the feet (plantar warts).

Our JBee Wart Solutions is here to help remove Genital Warts, Skin Tags and Mole.